
    Yesterday brought a rejection from the agent on my partial.  I was expecting it, so it wasn't a surprise.  Looks like another book for the trash heap. I sent out a query tonight on a different book, to a different agent.  I just don't think I'm going to ever get the hang of novel writing. I feel like I have zero perspective on novels right now. Before March, I really thought I had a good understanding of novels, but now, I feel like I understand nothing. Maybe I need to take a basic level novel writing class or something? I don't know.  I just feel pretty lost in that department. And the thought of writing one more book that will just get thrown out just doesn't even slightly appeal to me.

    But doggedly, I sent out another query tonight.  A little spark of hope that maybe not everything I've written is bad.

    Have a good night.

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: This Universe by Singh Kaur


    I'm not sure I can handle my day job much longer.  The stress is just more than I can stomach. I thought I could get through until August (when my micromanaging hell boss leaves), but the level and rate of change is just too much and keeping me awake at night.  Not that I've ever slept well anyway, but for the past five or six months, it's been excessive.  I'm tired of the ever-present stomach ache, too. I just want all the stress and ridiculous levels of change to stop.  My department has been in a constant state of reorganization since 2000 and now the organization is going through another one.  And my group will be asked to do even more with less staff. I'm already responsible for managing way to many things. 

    This just isn't the life I pictured growing up.  I feel a profound sense of disillusionment. Just want to feel good, to look forward to the next day instead of dreading it, to get out of bed with excitement instead of dragging myself out of bed by sheer will power. What would it feel like to have a job I liked? It's Sunday night and my stomach is already twisting into knots at the thought of another work week.

    Needless to say, I'm finding it damned near impossible to write. Too much real world intrusion.

    Have a good night.

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: The Emerald Way by 2002


    Came home from work to a rejection on the story I subbed for the DAW anthology.  I gave it my best shot.  That's all I can do.  Not really a story I can sub anywhere else, so I'll toss it in the retired pile.  Another one bites the dust.

    Have a good night.

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: between songs


    Happy Birthday to my little persian, Sevilli!  I can't believe she's 16 today... I hope this will be one of many more birthdays. She means the world to me.

    Wrote a new short story this week. Science fiction for a change.  For a last minute open slot or two in a DAW anthology (editor ran short on contracted stories).  On spec.  Everything I write is on spec.  The window was short: 72 hours, but I can handle short deadlines.  At any rate, the story's off to the editor. I'll know the outcome on Friday or Saturday. No guarantee because it wasn't an invitation, just an open slot or two. Still hoping to one day rate an invitation, but until then, I'll jump on any opps that come my way.  Only way to get your name out there.  Prove you can deliver the goods when they're needed.  So, I'll spin the wheel and try for a third DAW antho sale.  What the hell...

    Have a good night.

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: The Emerald Way by 2002


    Contract and check arrived today for Chocolate Alchemy.  A very welcome sight in my mailbox this afternoon.  Made the sale feel official.  God, I worked hard for that sale...in fact, I wonder why the editor even bothered since there were so many changes needed. I'm glad he put up with me to get it right, but I keep wondering why he didn't go with another story, one more "ready to go" than mine. Maybe it's better not to know why? But I still wonder.

    Still haven't put down any new words on a novel. I think about it and I look over my notes and such, but can't bring myself to that next step.  I keep finding reasons why the plot could never work or why this character is flawed for the reader or any number of reasons why it should all fail. Can't seem to get past that point to start writing.  Can't find the spark of passion that's white hot enough to carry me past all the critical crap.  It all feels numb, like a chardonnay that's too cold to taste. Just pale gold and a hint of grapes, the rest masked beneath an icy chill.  Not even the acidic bite of cheap alcohol to tell me its wine.  Maybe if I stare at it long enough it'll morph into something I recognize, something that sparks a reaction, an excitement, -- some whisper of passion.

    Have a good one...

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: The Emerald Way by 2002


    So, I'm looking at where I want to go from here and I'm seeing all these roadblocks, some are the same old ones I always face and others are new. Before March I had a small measure of confidence saved up for novels. I felt like I was finally understanding structure, character, plotting, scene setting — all those pieces. I've lost all that. Now, I approach the next novel with trepidation because I feel like I don't understand any of these things. Not sure how I could be so wrong on so many levels. So much so that I'm now questioning every choice, every plot point, every direction. I feel queasy about a lot of this stuff now. If I think something's good, then it's probably bad. If I think something works, then it probably doesn't. The uncertainty is only overshadowed by a constant state of fear and I'm not sure how I'll get past that.

    I guess that the only thing I can do is forget everything I know or everything I think I know and concentrate on story. One page at a time. Maybe that will help me get past all these obstacles that I can't seem to step over now? That first page feels daunting right now. I stare at that blank screen and the critical voice is so loud it's drowning out everything. There was a brief period of time when I'd managed to kick all those critical editor voices out of my office. Now they're all back and they've brought friends. I've already tossed out one novel since March and I don't even want to look at the others I've written. Getting back on this horse has been harder than I expected.

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: between songs


    Well, here I am again. Standing on very shaky ground, but standing. I guess that says something...somewhere. I've been over a lot of mental ground these past couple of months and I'm still not sure I've come to any conclusions other than I'm a fucking junkie.  I'm crazy to keep doing this to myself.  Yet I keep coming back for more.  More heartache, more pain, more self-doubt, and the constant fear of not being good enough...all for those precious few moments of euphoria, of The Sale. God, I envy the people who can look at this stuff and say, "You're wrong." or "It's not me, it's you."  Ego, arrogance, cluelessness, denial -- whatever it takes to stave off the demons and the fear and just fucking write. Because no matter how hard I hit that floor and no matter how long I lay there, I end up dragging my sorry ass back to the keyboard for another round.  Another binge.  Another spin of the chamber. Coming apart in zero g.  I've spent the last two months lying on that floor in a fetal position, trying to find some of the pieces of my ego and enough duct tape to frankenstein it all back together.  Stir in a major work/life stress OD and I hit that floor hard.

    Some things have changed.  My micromanaging boss from hell is leaving in a couple of months, the major projects I'm working on at the day job may actually come together, and my brother doesn't have cancer.  And I have a new notebook computer -- 8 hours of battery and 3.3 lbs. Things to be thankful for. A wonderful, wonderful person I know says it's okay to lie on the floor as long as you get up again. It's taken me a long time, but today, I decided to get up. I feel wobbly as hell, but in the middle of it all, I somehow managed to sell a couple of short stories, one I actually wrote while on that damned floor. That's when I realized I'd already gotten up.  Anyway, Twilight at the Speakeasy will appear in the DAW anthology, Front Lines and Chocolate Alchemy will appear in the DAW anthology, Wizards, Inc. -- both sometime in 2007.

    Thinking about novels again makes me want to duck and cover, but I plan to start one soon. Hair of the dog and all that.  I've decided to put one ahead of Spirit Jar (one I'd planned to start in March). Working title is Arcana in a Minor Key.  I have no expectations other than I hope to finish it. One page at a time.  Best I can do.

    Bartender, open a tab...

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: Bad Day by Daniel Powter


    At the airport waiting for my flight home. Things didn't go well and at the moment, I'm rethinking many things, especially writing. In the middle of things out here, doctors found a tumor in my brother's jaw. He had surgery yesterday and if all goes well, he'll be going home tomorrow. We're still awaiting word on whether or not it's cancer. Praying for a good result. This was a major gut punch and the other workshop was another gut punch. I didn't see either of these coming. And on Monday, it's back to the hell job. It's all just too much right now. Not sure when I'll be back through this site, but for now, I'm checking out for a while.

    have a good one…

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: silence


    God, what a week! It's been hell on earth at work this week and on top of that, I've gotten a stupid sinus infection. I started emergency antibiotics yesterday in the hopes that I'll kick this thing out by Friday. Gotta get up at 3:30 AM, so this will be my last post until I return on 3/10. Feel free to have a party here, redecorate, whatever suits the place in my absence.

    In the writerly responses this week: 2 rejections and 1 hopeful. A disappointing short story rejection (still need to get the story back out), but nothing from the three responses I've been waiting on. Also in the mail was an agent rejection and an agent request for a partial! Woohoo! I'm excited about this one. This is a cool house and this was the first query out of the shoot for Ebony Moon, so I'm pleased. Maybe I'm finally getting the hang of this query thing? I tried to get the partial out before I leave, but no hope on that front. And I really want to make this sub count (and not screw it up), so I'll just have to send it out when I come back. And I was supposed to start writing Spirit Jar today, but that's not going to happen. I'll spend some time on it tomorrow and get a good start on it. I also started a short story on Monday. About something that's been really bothering me, so I figured that getting it down on paper was the best approach. Probably won't get much done on it until I return because I want to concentrate on Spirit Jar since it's set Oregon. I'd be foolish not to work on the book while in the actual setting.

    So, best wishes to everyone on their writing! And Dayle, I love your new website. It's gorgeous!

    Bye for now!

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: silence


    Okay, the universe is a weird place. I guess if you put vibes out there, they have to go somewhere. It definitely appears that way to me, at any rate. I've been biting off fingernails waiting for responses on three short stories and one I hadn't even been expecting a response from yet came through last night. Today, I sold my short story, The Needlewoman to Pitch Black Books for their Lords of Swords II anthology!!  Woohoo!!  That's my first sale of the year and I'm quite pleased.  I really like this story, so I'm thrilled it will be read by others.  It's also the longest story I've ever sold. And it's a story that I plan to turn into a novel at some point.

    So how cool is that? That definitely eases the pain of this endless wait. And now I have four stories in the upcoming stories queue. That's a nice feeling, too.  I remember this time last year, I was in the worst drought of my career. I'm really hoping those days are behind me.

    Have a good evening...

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: The Emerald Way by 2002 (this is such a great, relaxing CD)


    Man, somethin's gotta give...I've got all these stories out with responses due on them and no one's responding. I'm hoping out of all these hold pile subs I'm waiting on that something will sell. I could just really use some good news.  And a little validation that I'm still a working writer.  Maybe it's the fact that I'm not working on anything at the moment that's really getting to me? I'm just tired of waiting for responses that never come. Sigh.  I'm usually a very patient person. Just really need a sale I guess. (don't we all, I hear you saying)

    I think that I might go ahead and start writing my next novel this weekend.  I've gotten everything read for the workshop (that I've received.).  I'm supposed to read a 110K novel for the workshop, but all I've received are the first 100 pages. If I don't receive the rest before Wednesday night, it won't get read. Nothing I can do about that. But I need something to write and I don't feel like doing any short fiction (no decent ideas and no motivation to write them). God knows I need the practice. I'd rather work on a novel.  I still need to send out a query letter for Ebony Moon and get the first three chapters cleaned up (found a bunch of detail mistakes -- car names, eye color, that kind of stuff).  I read over the first six chapters last night and was very pleased with what I read. I'm looking forward to writing Spirit Jar though (knocked off the 's' in the title).  It's kind of a paranormal chick lit romantic suspense.

    I wish I knew how to write a books that fit neatly into a subgenre, but everything I write seems to be all over the place.  But I write what I feel and that's the best a writer can do.  Write from the heart.  I'm not cutting edge or part of some screwy genre movement. I'm just me, telling stories from my unique point of view and I'm loving every minute of the stories I'm telling. I guess in reality I don't give a damn about fitting in. There's no point in trying to tell other people's stories or stories I think people want to hear (and be wrong about what those might be).  All I can do is keep putting my stories out there and hope that they connect with editors (and readers, but gotta catch the editor's interest first).

    I leave Thursday morning for Portland -- way too friggin' early, I might add.  My flight leaves at 7 AM, so I'll have to leave my house by 4:45 AM on Thursday morning.  I'll be in Portland by 10 AM and will be heading for the coast and the lighthouse. I'm going to try and hit Cannon Beach on the way, if I can, look for sand dollars and sea glass. :)

    Have a good evening...

    Now reading: workshop novels
    Now playing: The Emerald Way by 2002 (this is such a great, relaxing CD)


    I've been reading stuff for my upcoming workshop and working out the plot for my next novel. It's a good thing, too.  I'm starting to go into a weird funk because I'm not really writing anything right now.  I love the preoccupation that goes into writing a novel.  Maybe I'm just trying to escape from my real life...I'm not sure.  My day job is just making me crazy and I'd love to do something else, something that didn't give me a stomach ache every day. So I've really missed not having a book to work on.  I need to go back and do some revising on the book I just finished, but I haven't gotten all the way through the one I wrote in December yet.  I'm only about halfway through that one.

    But I've spent a few days doing research and exploring ideas, characters and possible plots/settings.  Tonight, it all came together for me. I always try not to take the first thoughts that come to me, but to struggle toward that 4th or 5th thought.  Unless I feel compelled to write my first thought. Most of the time, when I let ideas percolate, they naturally gravitate toward less traveled paths in my brain.  I knew I didn't want to commit this fuzzy idea to the first thoughts in my head, so I let them run wild for a week or so. But I think I know my characters well enough now to write about them.  I might delve a little deeper into them between now and March 1st, when I plan to start writing the book. But I have character names and a title.  The book is called Spirit Jars. The directory is on the hard drive, so it's official now.

    Looking forward to writing it very soon.

    Have a good evening...

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: The Emerald Way by 2002



    Made all my reservations for my trip out to Oregon next month. I'm taking two writing workshops and doing a little vacationing in between. I'm really excited because I booked one night at Heceta House, the Bed and Breakfast right beside Heceta Head Lighthouse.  I CAN'T WAIT!! I'm going to start at Cannon Beach that morning and look for sand dollars and sea glass then make my way down the coast toward Florence, OR and the lighthouse.  I also plan to visit Yaquina Bay lighthouse this time.  I've visited Yaquina Head a year ago and now I want to see Yaquina Bay, too.  But apparently there are some documented sightings of a ghost named Rue seen at Heceta House.  I'm so excited about staying there. I adore lighthouses and on March 1st, I start my next novel which will be a . . . . wait for it . . . a paranormal romance set in a lighthouse.  So what better way to further along a book than to be in the ideal setting? I'm still working out plot ideas and doing some research right now, but I hope to have a high concept, plot progression, and characters ready to roll on March 1st. If not sooner.

    I just read a historical romance about a lighthouse keeper that left me very unsatisfied (I guess it's because I wanted a different story than what I'd read). So I decided to tell my own story. Has nothing in common with the book I just read except that it involves a lighthouse.  I'd actually planned to write a thriller as my next book, from an outline I put together a year or so ago. But this hazy little idea is calling to me, so I'm going to explore it some more. I'll save that book for my next effort.

    I also just bought a new ultralight notebook with my impending tax refund. An IBM ThinkPad X60s. I doubt it'll be here in time for my Oregon trip, but I can dream. It only weighs 3.5 lbs and has an 8 hour battery life. With my tax check, I can pay off my loan on the previous notebook I bought (over three years ago) and pay for this new one.

    Man, I feel really edgy not having a book to work on.  I'll probably try to write some short fiction this month while I research my next book.  There's a lot to do to figure out what I want to write next.  When I started that 8-month Dare back in September, I had a surplus of novel ideas I'd built up over the last year or so. The thriller outline I have is the last of those ideas, so I need to develop a new cache. I also need to get all these manuscripts I've finished polished and submitted to editors.  That's also one of my goals for February. I have five romance novels finished and only one of them is out anywhere. I've got a sixth done, but it requires massive redrafting, so I've put off doing anything with that one.  Oddly enough, in the genre I've always considered my primary (F/SF), I have only completed seven novels.  And beyond those, two novels that shall forever remain buried for the good of humanity (my 1st and 3rd completed novels).  My first novel was a historical novel, my second was a fantasy.

    And so I start looking at writing another novel. It keeps my mind occupied and the demons at bay.  With my horrible work situation continuing (very long story, one that's been going on since August), I need all the distraction I can get.  Now, if I could just have some writing success this year... I took a small step last year to get myself back on course and broke a three-year sales drought.  I sure hope it was a permanent break. I've got 4 stories that I'm awaiting editor responses on (waiting for a decision since December on 3 of them, beyond the submission date).  Something's gotta give -- just hope it's not me.  I've worked harder at this writing business than anything else in my life and I keep hoping that eventually, my hard work will pay off.  Hope's getting really threadbare.

    Have a good evening...

    Now reading: between books
    Now playing: The Emerald Way by 2002


FINAL WORD COUNT = 86,750 words!!
GOAL = 75,000 words

    6750 words - IT'S DONE!!!!  Yaaay!! My arms are shaking from the wild, four-hour sprint I just did. Couldn't type fast enough. It just fell onto the page...I was so afraid I'd come home tonight and project block. But I didn't It all came together and there was a nice little surprise at the end that was there all along and I didn't see it.

    I'm beat...going to bed now...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: The Emerald Way by 2002


    8000 words - Well, shit.  Talk about underestimating....I thought I'd wrap this puppy up at 77K. I'm at 80K and still writing.  Kendra and Jared survived the battle and destroyed the gate, but Jared's mother delivers the horrible news that Kendra and Jared are second cousins. They're devastated, knowing they can't be together now, yet they still have to face Jared's nemesis and defeat him or lose everything. And if they don't work together, Jared can't summon his wilding.  So, I've got about 4 or 5K left to tell this story. Looks like some writing at lunch and tomorrow night on the home stretch. I will finish this damned book tomorrow night if it kills me.

    Have a good night.

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Amarantine by Enya


    5750 words - Not as many words as I'd hoped for tonight, but the good news is that I slipped past the 70K mark. And I think I'm 3 chapters away from the end.  The big battle is just about to start as they wait for the veil to part and release the Eidolon shadows. Then they go to Catori where Kendra finds out that her great grandmother Aeryn had two daughters. One was Kendra's grandmother and one was Jared's.  Kendra and Jared are devastated by this news, but Jared later learns the truth about his grandmother, from his imprisoned father that he rescues.

    Three chapters should wrap this book up, about 5K I'd guess. Probably the final word count will be about 77K. Just too tired to keep going tonight.  I'll try again tomorrow night.  It'll probably take me two more nights to finish, but I think I'm really close.

    Have a good night.

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Parallel Dreams by Loreena McKennitt


    10:52 pm - 3500 words - Yes!!! That's exactly a 10K day.  I should blow past 70K tomorrow and make my final run at the book. I'm one chapter away from Jared's final battle with the Eidolon in shadow form.  He's mobilized an army to stand against them and if he can defeat them, he will stand against his dire enemy, the man who destroyed Catori, imprisoned his father, and exiled him.  With Kendra at his side, he will face this man once and for all.  I'm probably 5 chapters from the end now.  I think I can wrap this book up with another 10 or 12K. Holy cow...I just might finish this book by my deadline. Still missing that lost week, but hopeful for an on time finish.

    6:25 pm - 6500 words

    Woohoo!! Hit the 60K mark!  Wordage is good, but I'm still 3500 words from today's goal.  I'm going to stop for supper and hit the keyboard in an hour.  That's only 14 more pages.  Shouldn't be a problem (she says with confidence). :>  More later...

    Have a good night.

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Land of Forever by 2002


    4000 words - Better night than I'd hoped for. Knocked down 4K tonight! If I can scrape out 10K tomorrow, that will put me within solid range to finish on time. We'll see. Still time to pull this one out of the fire. Starting to get a little anxious...

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: A Day Without Rain by Enya


    2000 words - Man, it was really tough going tonight.  The chiropractor's magic has worn off and I'm hurting more tonight.  I've got another appointment on Thursday morning. It's not going to be soon enough though.  I'm glad tomorrow's Friday, but I've got a lot of stupid work meetings and budget crap to deal with.  It'll be a tedious day. Hope I'm not too worn out to do a little stretching tomorrow.  I'd really like a 3K day tomorrow.  Saturday and Sunday I have no errands to run (end of the month money low -- good in this case because it will keep me home), so hopefully I'll have this book nearly finished.

    Definitely need to pull at least one 10K day this weekend. It's doable. I've done it before. I can easily write 4 pages an hour which is 1000 words.  Now, this would be TONS harder if I was starting the book. When I'm in the final act of a book, I usually can't type fast enough to get it all down.  And I'm just about at that point now. After I get Kendra and Jared through their training and the ebony moon arrives, things will hurtle toward the end of the book.  I'm looking forward to writing the last major movement of the final act.  Then I'll see what Kendra and Jared are really made of.

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: The Collection by Mary Black



    1750 words - Woohoo!! Past the 50K mark! Less than 25K from the finish line.  Gotta do some heavy sprinting this weekend. I was shooting for 1500 words tonight because I had to bowl and knew I wouldn't get home until late.  It was almost 9 PM before I finished supper and got to the keyboard, so I was really afraid I wouldn't get 50K tonight.  At first I was struggling to find a way into the story again (because I knew I only had an hour to write), but I hit on a moment in Jared's past and the floodgates opened. When I looked up again, my page count was 201. Grateful for that. I'm almost ready for Chapter 13.

    Things get tough as Kendra and Jared struggle to work together as one in preparation for the Eidolon attack.  And they have to mobilize and unite the human world's magical creatures. From that point, the final battle looms. But on the eve of the final battle, Kendra discovers that her grandmother and his grandmother are sisters.  They've really fallen for each other and are devastated by this news, knowing they can't be together now.  Jared knows that Kendra's the only thing he wants and faces the Eidolon like a kamikazee.  Jared and Kendra, with the Catorin army, defeat the Eidolon, but Jared feels desolate, knowing he can never have the woman he loves. Kendra returns to her world to pack up her things and return to Baltimore. Back in Catori, Jared frees his father from prison and learns new truth about his birth and a flicker of hope emerges. He begs the old scryve to send him through the veil one more time.  When she asks why, he tells her it's to claim his bride.

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Falling Farther In by October Project



    2250 words - Almost at 50K....I'm really going to have to kick some butt this weekend.  My confidence (and comfort) level will go up after I round the 50K mark.  I've got exactly a week with a weekend in there. That's a little less than 4K a day from tomorrow onward. I'll have to make up some ground this weekend, if I want to finish on time.  It'll be close (unless I underestimated my word count).

    Kendra and Jared have begun to work together to help Jared focus his magic as the next new moon approaches and the battle will be on them.  If they can beat back the Eidolon, Jared will return to Catori with Kendra and they will stand against them once and for all. In the flesh.

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Falling Farther In by October Project


    2250 words - Decent night at the keyboard.  Pain was better today, too. Got into my chiropractor this afternoon and she worked out some of the pain. I've gotta go back next week though, to do more work.  Need to move the plot forward tomorrow. Kendra and Jared have to work together with their magic.  I've got to get that piece moving toward the upcoming battle. After that, the journey to Catori where Jared faces his nemesis and Kendra must stand with him, a change management consultant in Jared's magical homeland. Getting very close to 50K now.

    In the Sucks Department, yet another agent rejection today.  VERY disappointing. This damned brick wall never gets any softer or thinner.  Most of my life, I've tried to get through this wall. And it never gives an inch.

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Falling Farther In by October Project


    4000 words - Not quite the 6K I was hoping for, but I'll take it. The shoulder/arm pain was a little better today, so I'm relieved by that.  I'm still within strike range of an on-time finish for this book. Will definitely have to make next weekend count. At 40K, the book is officially a novel now, so that's kind of cool.  I've got to wrap my brain around the ending now, get a good feel for what I see happening. Honestly, when I started this book, I didn't have a good feel for how it ended. I don't always know how things end when I start them.  I see two or three different scenarios for how the book will end, but until I get deep into that final act, I'm just not sure. Sometimes, that's part of the fun.

    Happy Birthday, Murphy!  My Maine Coon is 4 years old today. Hard to believe, yet I feel like he's always been here.

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Dream Spiral by Hilary Stagg



    4500 words - Woohoo!! Hit 40K tonight! It practically killed me, but I did it.  My fibromyalgia has been really bad these past couple of months.  Since I haven't seen a massage therapist since June, I'm almost to the point where I can't type.  The pain has been especially bad over the past week. Usually, I can get through it, but tonight I couldn't. I drank two or three glasses of wine, enough to numb the edges of the pain enough to keep typing.  On Monday, I'll make an appointment to get my shoulder, neck, and right arm worked on. Usually, the pain is manageable with regular massage appointments, but it's been waaay too long. Not looking forward to getting my arm and shoulder worked on.  The pain will be really bad for the first few visits, but it's my own fault for waiting so long. I just refuse to let this stuff win.

    Anyway, I'm over halfway to my goal. With ten days left, I've still got a lot left to write.  I'm just about ready to tip the story into Act III.  Just a few more events to wrap up in Act II.  Kendra and Jared have to work through their magic together and their bond will deepen. Act II will end on a high note when they stand up to the Eidolon and win.  But that victory will be short-lived when Jared learns his family has been taken hostage. He has to return to Catori sooner than expected to try and rescue his family.  And fight the last battle against the Eidolon. Hopefully with Kendra at his side.

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Eventide by Grey Eye Glances


    3125 words - I really needed a 3K night.  Covered a decent amount of plot tonight.  As I start Chapter 10, things will get a lot more complicated for Jared and Kendra as they learn how use their magic in tandem and how they have to bargain with the other magical races for help against the Eidolon.  From there, Jared and Kendra will have to face them in his own realm. And if Jared fails, his entire race will be wiped out. He's their last hope, but without Kendra's tempering magic, he can't focus his own magic into anything useable.  Getting close to the 40K mark. Thank God there's one more weekend after this one. That gives me a fighting chance to finish this book and not blow my goal.  This is the 3rd of 4 books I challenged myself to write.  If I can finish one in March, I'll have achieved my goal (with an extra book in there for good measure). My goal for the year is to write 5 novels, one more than I wrote last year.

    I plan to spend February working on second drafts of my December novel and this one. And I hope to write some new short fiction, too. We'll see. Not feeling very good about short stories, so I'm not sure I'll bother.  Not feeling good about novels either, but I've got to write something.

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: A Day Without Rain by Enya



    2375 words - Another 2K+ night. Grateful for that. Set up the events for the rest of the story and shook things up a bit. Gunning for 40K over the weekend.  My goal is to be at 42K or better by Sunday night. Keeping my fingers crossed for some good output. This month is flying by much too fast for this book. Losing a week of writing really screwed me up. Bleh.  It's not over yet though.

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: October Project by October Project


    2500 words - Feeling tired, but I pressed on to 30K tonight. And based on where the story is right now, I'm going to revise my estimate of 80K down to 75K. I think it may come in less than 75K, but we'll see. When I get to 60K, I'll have a better idea of how long it'll be. I guessed 80K on Landfall and it turned out to be 100K. Go figure. I was expecting a lot of world-building for this book, but since it starts out in the real world, I don't have to build much. We don't actually even see Catori until the last third of the book, so the word count may need to rise at that point. Just not sure yet. This book is very different than what I'd imagined. Hope it turns out. But that's the beauty of rewriting. I have plenty of time for that. These one-month novels are my efforts to get the clay on the wheel. This will be my third novel in three months. A new record for me if I pull it off. Kind of like a turkey (three strikes in a row) in bowling. ;)

    Have a good night...

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: October Project by October Project


    1750 words - I'm getting close to 30K.  I really need to do some word sprinting this weekend. I made up some decent ground this past weekend, but it wasn't nearly enough. Gotta really get to work this weekend. A couple of 6K days would go a long way at this point. I'm about a third of the way through the book and my heroine, Kendra is about to have her entire world shaken up in ways she never dreamed. The people she thinks she knows aren't who they seem.  And she learns some things about herself, too, and about the magic she carries. And how that magic may save an unseen magical world, and the man she's completely fallen for.

    Another agent rejection today. Bleh.  Still have manuscripts to get back out, but haven't yet.  Soon, I hope.

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Victorialand by The Cocteau Twins


    1500 words today.

    Wasn't sure I was going to post anything for a while, but decided to go ahead. The new year got off to a very rocky start, especially with writing and I'm still feeling a little gun shy.  I won't go into why.

    My surgery went well, but took a little more out of me than I was expecting. I was off work for about a week.  Last week was my first week back to work.

    I started off the latest novel (titled Ebony Moon) as planned on Jan 1 and things went fine the first five or six days with modest daily outputs of 1 or 2K. Then got psychologically derailed for several days. Finally I said, "screw everyone" and returned to the keyboard. I no longer care what anyone thinks about my work. It's my career.  I'm trying to make up for some lost time and may not finish the book by the end of the month.  I will certainly give it my best shot between now and the 31st. On the plus side, I don't think this book will be 100K as I originally thought.  More like 80K.  I've got a lot of wordage to make up though.  I'll do my best -- that's all I can do.  This book is a little quirky though and will probably be a paranormal romance when it's finished.

    My mom finally had her knee surgery today and that went well.  I was at the hospital most of the day.  Got in a few pages of writing while I waited. Mom's having a lot of pain this evening though, but I hope she'll feel better tomorrow.

    Now reading: The Lightkeeper by Susan Wiggs
    Now playing: Victorialand by The Cocteau Twins