Sparrow Medicine The Magic Within World Edge Press (August 1994)

Music to Her Ears Prom Night DAW Books (May 1999)

Circle of Life Beyond the Last Star SFF Net (September 2002)

Dragonskin Boots Sword & Sorceress XII DAW Books, (August 1995)

The Wishing Stones Sword & Sorceress XVI DAW Books (June 1999)

Whispers Hauntings CyberPulp (March 2004)

Midnight Oil 100 Wicked Little Witch Stories Marboro Books (October 1995)

Homecoming The Age of Reason SFF Net (August 1999)

Soul Taker Hags, Sirens and Other Bad Girls of Fantasy
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Nightweaver Blood Muse Donald I. Fine Books (December 1995)

Rena 733 Treachery and Treason Roc Books (March 2000)

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The Longest Night. Sword & Sorceress XIV DAW Books, (March 1997)

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The Sound of Angels (1997 Nebula Nominee) Bending the Landscape: Fantasy. White Wolf Publishing (March 1997) Anthology won World Fantasy & Lambda Literary Awards

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